A graphic with the word 'Amare' in cursive, followed by the words 'Games Festival' and the year 2024, as well as a stylized image of a pitcher with a citrus slice design and three cookies with hearts as icing.

Thank you for joining us for the 2024 Amare Games Festival

A game jam celebrating love and diversity in story-focused games!

We received over 30 submissions this year! You can find the games listed on our 2024 page linked below.

What is Amare?

An inclusive term that describes relationship-focused Visual Novels and Interactive Fiction games that feature a wide range of diversity such as racial, cultural, LGBTQA+ and more.

You can find a list of games that are using the Amare tag on Itch.io by clicking the button below.

To join this list add "Amare" as a tag to your game.